Raphael, Christina2016-09-082016-09-082016Raphael, C (2016). Students support services: A case of blended learning in higher learning institutions in Tanzania; handbook of research on global issues in next-generation teacher education. http://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-global-issues-next/141745http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11810/3671Full text can be accessed at the following link http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/students-support-services/146301This chapter examines challenges the higher learning institutions offering blended learning programmes in Tanzania face in enhancing student support services from administrative standpoint. Using interviews, documentary analysis, and observation as data gathering instruments, the chapter reveals that higher learning institutions face numerous student-support related challenges including poor Internet and narrow bandwidth, erratic electricity and lack of alternative power, computer illiteracy, scarcity of study materials including e-resources and the absence of affirmative institutional policies. The chapter contends that for blended learning programmes to remain viable, effective, and sustainable, students support services need to be carefully tailored and regularly evaluated. Further, thorough decisions need to be undertaken regarding the design and development of effective student support which are contextualised according to respective institutional needs.enStudents Support Services: A Case of Blended Learning in Higher Learning Institutions in TanzaniaJournal Article, Peer Reviewed10.4018/978-1-4666-9948-9.ch011