Sanga, Imani2016-03-142016-03-142011-06Sanga, Imani. "Mzungu Kichaa and the Figuring of Identity in" Bongo Fleva" Music in Tanzania." International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music (2011): 189-208. article draws from Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's notion of refrain and Louise Meintjes' concept of music figure and examines various ways a Danish-born Bongo Fleva musi- cian in Tanzania, Mzungu Kichaa deploys music figures to con- struct African and Tanzanian identities. It also examines how he uses these figures to negotiate his position in relation to these identities. To illustrate the perform- ative effects of music figures on people's identities the article examines how the deployment of musical figures serves a double function: to claim one's Tanza- nian or African identity and to announce one's difference with other identities (e.g. European or English identities) at least with regard to musical taste. As a result, Mzungu Kichaa's attempts to enter into the mainstream UK's and Danish music industry were not successful since the music figures he used, the figures that justified his identity as a Tanza- nian or African, occupied margi- nal spaces in European contexts.swBongo FlevaMzungu Kichaamusic of TanzaniaHip Hop and Rap MusicPopular Music and IdentityMusic FiguresDeleuze and GuattariMzungu Kichaa and the Figuring of Identity in "Bongo Fleva" Music in TanzaniaJournal Article, Peer Reviewed