Haule, Liberato2017-05-102017-05-102016-09-01http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11810/4524Textile recycling has a long history in the developing world. The original reasons for textile reclamation were efficient utilization of resources, whereby waste garments could be reconstructed into cheap clothes for disadvantaged societies and other application such as wipes and flock fillings for upholstery. The second reason for textile recycling came into existence due to an increase in industrialization hence pressure on environmental protection. To date the level of textile recycling is determined by the value of the recycled products and the level of wastes generated. There are various reasons for increasing in textile wastes, but the main is the increase in number of fashion affluences. While the number of fashion affluences increase, the cost for waste disposal increases and the source of material for making new fibres decreases. Therefore this paper reviews the global textile recycling technologies from the 17th century to date. This comprehensive review may bring in focus of the available recycling technologies from which innovative recycling ideas can be built in order to save the world from increasing pollution caused by textile.enrecyclingtextileswaste garmentsRe-useResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGYTEXTILE RECYCLING: A REVIEWConference Proceedings