Goodman, Steven M.Stanley, William T.Newmark, William D.Howell, Kim2016-07-192016-07-191995-06Goodman, S.M., Stanley, W.T., Newmark, W.D. and Howell, K.M., 1995. The Ambangulu Forest, West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania: a threatened Eastern Arc forest. Oryx, 29(03), pp.212-214. text can be accessed at Forest is one of the few remaining tracts of natural forest between 800 and 1200 m in the West Usambara Mountains of Tanzania. It may be the biologically richest area in the region but it is threatened by illegal felling of timber trees, wind damage, grazing and browsing livestock, and collection of fuel-wood and building poles. A proposed project aims to protect the forest and benefit local people at the same time.enThe Ambangulu Forest, West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania: A Threatened Eastern Arc Forest. OryxJournal Article10.1017/S0030605300021153