Ligate, FanuelIjumulana, JulianMtalo, Felix W.Bhattacharya, ProsunBundschuh, Jochen2017-01-132017-01-132016-06Ligate, F.J., Ijumulana, J., Mtalo, F., Bhattacharya, P. and Bundschuh, J., 2016, June. Occurrence of arsenic in groundwater, soil and sediments in Tanzania. In Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016), June 19-23, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden (p. 88). CRC Press. text can be accessed at the following link of Arsenic in Groundwater, Soil and Sediments in TanzaniaBook chapter10.1201/b20466-43