Mkumbo, Kitila A. K.2016-03-112016-03-112013Mkumbo, K.A., 2013. Promoting abstinence, being faithful, and condom use with young Africans: Qualitative findings from an intervention trial in rural Tanzania. Global public health, 8(9), pp.1089-1091. abstinence, being faithful and condom use ( ABS) approach has underpinned most HIV programmes since the beginning of AIDS epidemic. This approach has been particularly pervasive Sub-Saharan African countries where HIV infection mainly occurs through heterosexual intercourse. This book by Mary Louisa Plummer adeptly document research and implementation experiences, as well as opportunities and challenges involved in promoting the ABC approach, in rural Tanzania. The book presents a systematic evaluation of the MEMA kwa vijana intervention implemented in Mwanza Tanzania, between 1999 and 2002 for which the author served as a social science coordinator. The MEMA kwa vijana (Good Things for Young people) intervention was a sexual and reproductive health programme implemented 9in schools, health facilities and communities with the goal to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people. Drawing on the experiences of the MEMA kwa vijana intervention, this book examines the opportunities and challenges associated with promoting young people’s law-risk sexual behaviours in a rural African contextenAbstinenceBeing FaithfulCondom UseYoung AfricansRural TanzaniaPromoting Abstinence, Being Faithful, and Condom Use with Young Africans: Qualitative Findings from an Intervention Trial in Rural Tanzania (Book Review)Other10.1080/17441692.2013.840008