Kweka, Opportuna L., Faraja Namkesa, Zoe Jane Morrison, Pill Silvano2019-03-032019-03-032018-10Kweka et al. 2018.9789976535518 Research Project with Aberdeen UniversityThis Chapter presents the early and expected impact of natural gas investments on coastal communities of Mtwara and Lindi. The Chapter is based on a study which was conducted in four villages and two streets where gas is extracted and or there is an investment or plan to invest. The main findings of the study is to challenge the methodology used in the resource curse theory show how one can study the potentiality of a resource curse at the beginning of an investment in at subnational scale.enoil and gas, local communities, subnational resource curseSocio-econmic Impact of Oil and Gas on Local CommunitiesIn Scientific, Legal and Socio-Economic Asepcts of Oil and GAs in TanzaniaBook chapter