Kalinga, Ellen A.2018-09-292018-09-292017Kalinga E. A. (2017). Software Engineering. African Virtual University (AVU), Applied Computer Science: CSI 4105, Open Educational Resources (OER). Available at: https://oer.avu.org/handle/123456789/519http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11810/4929Software engineering is concerned with all aspects of software production from the early stages of system specification through to maintaining the system after it has gone into use (Laurie Williams 2004). To engineering perspective, SE adopts a systematic and organized approach to develop systems. The course exposes students on how to use several specific practices and techniques used in developing software. It is required to familiarize learners to industrial modeling tools with the aim of exposing them to state-of-the-art practices with respect to software development. At the end of the module, student will have a better understanding of the complexities as well as subtleties of the various software development activities that include working in a team or group. Students will learn process models, software testing techniques and project management skills used in building software effectively, apply good practices, effective design techniques, and development tools. SE is needed to develop all kinds of software projects including complex software projects.enSoftware EngineeringAfrican Virtual UniversityComputer Science ResourcesSoftware EngineeringLearning Object